Bring Blorbo the Shrewd The 25 Hobgoblin Hides Guide



In the expansive universe of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), magical items often hold significant lore and utility, captivating both players and Dungeon Masters (DMs). Among these mystical artifacts, the “Bring Blorbo the Shrewd The 25 Hobgoblin Hides Guide” stand out as a unique set of enchanted items. These hides, associated with the legendary hobgoblin warlord Blorbo the Shrewd, offer a range of fascinating magical properties that can enhance any campaign. This article delves into the details of these magical hides and answers frequently asked questions (FAQs) about their use and integration into your game.

The Legend of Bring Blorbo the Shrewd

Origins and Lore

Bring Blorbo the Shrewd is a name that resonates deeply within hobgoblin lore. Blorbo was a formidable warlord known for his exceptional strategic mind and ruthless efficiency. His leadership brought together disparate hobgoblin tribes under a unified banner. According to ancient tales, Blorbo’s most prized possessions were a set of 25 enchanted hides, each one representing the unique attributes and strengths of the tribes he had conquered or allied with.

These hides were not merely trophies but artifacts imbued with the essence of Blorbo’s cunning and power. They were said to be crafted through a secretive ritual involving rare ingredients and powerful magic, making them symbols of both prestige and potency.

Description of the Hides

The 25 Hobgoblin Hides are an impressive collection of tanned animal skins, each approximately the size of a large cloak. The hides are adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant colors, reflecting the different tribes and magical properties they possess. Despite their age, the hides remain in pristine condition, their magical essence preserving them against decay.

Each hide grants the wearer unique abilities, making them highly sought after by adventurers and collectors alike. These properties range from enhanced physical attributes to magical powers, catering to a variety of character needs and preferences.

The Magical Properties of the 25 Hobgoblin Hides

The 25 Hobgoblin Hides are renowned for their diverse and powerful magical effects. Here’s a breakdown of each hide’s properties:

  1. Hide of the Clever Strategist: Grants advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks, aiding in uncovering hidden details and solving complex puzzles.
  2. Hide of the Unseen Predator: Provides advantage on Stealth checks in dim light or darkness, perfect for characters focusing on stealthy approaches.
  3. Hide of the Fearsome Leader: Enhances Charisma (Intimidation) checks and grants a +2 bonus to saving throws against being frightened.
  4. Hide of the Resilient Guardian: Increases Constitution saving throws by +1 and offers resistance to bludgeoning damage.
  5. Hide of the Swift Traveler: Boosts Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and increases movement speed by 10 feet.
  6. Hide of the Fortified Mind: Grants advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and provides resistance to psychic damage.
  7. Hide of the Elemental Shield: Offers resistance to one type of elemental damage (fire, cold, lightning, acid, or poison).
  8. Hide of the Night Stalker: Enhances Darkvision to 120 feet and provides advantage on saving throws against charm or fright effects.
  9. Hide of the Arcane Scholar: Grants advantage on Intelligence (Arcana) checks and allows casting Detect Magic once per day.
  10. Hide of the Tactical Genius: Provides advantage on Intelligence (History) checks and lets the wearer reroll a failed saving throw once per day.
  11. Hide of the Fearless Warrior: Grants resistance to psychic and necrotic damage.
  12. Hide of the Enigmatic Rogue: Enhances Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks and provides advantage on saving throws against paralysis or stunning.
  13. Hide of the Invincible Shield: Offers a +1 bonus to Armor Class and resistance to an additional damage type.
  14. Hide of the Mystic Seer: Enhances Wisdom (Perception) checks and allows casting Clairvoyance once per week.
  15. Hide of the Commanding Presence: Grants advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks and lets the wearer cast Command once per day.
  16. Hide of the Mystic Ward: Provides resistance to a chosen energy damage type (fire, cold, lightning, acid, or poison).
  17. Hide of the Ferocious Combatant: Offers advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks and grants temporary hit points equal to the wearer’s level once per day.
  18. Hide of the Phantom Step: Allows casting Misty Step once per day, enabling short-range teleportation.
  19. Hide of the Undying Loyalty: Enhances Wisdom (Medicine) checks and provides advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
  20. Hide of the Warding Guardian: Provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws.
  21. Hide of the Silent Assassin: Grants advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks and immunity to being tracked by non-magical means.
  22. Hide of the Powerful Striker: Offers advantage on melee attack rolls and adds 1d6 extra damage to a successful hit once per day.
  23. Hide of the Unbreakable Will: Provides advantage on saving throws against charm and fear effects and increases Wisdom saving throws by +2.
  24. Hide of the Illusive Dancer: Grants advantage on Dexterity (Performance) checks and allows casting Blur once per day.
  25. Hide of the Shielding Aura: Provides a +2 bonus to all saving throws and resistance to one type of damage chosen upon attunement.

FAQs about Bring Blorbo the Shrewd and the 25 Hobgoblin Hides

1. How can players obtain the 25 Hobgoblin Hides?

Players might acquire the 25 Hobgoblin Hides through various campaign scenarios. They could be found in a long-forgotten hobgoblin stronghold, rewarded for completing a significant quest, or discovered as part of a treasure hoard guarded by powerful enemies. Integrating these hides into the campaign requires creativity and can serve as a major plot point or side quest.

2. Do the hides need to be worn together, or can they be used individually?

Each hide is an individual magical item and can be used separately. Characters can select the hide that best suits their current needs or the challenges they face. There is no requirement to wear all 25 hides simultaneously, which allows for flexible use depending on the situation.

3. Are there any limitations on wearing multiple hides?

While characters can theoretically wear multiple hides, it’s essential to consider game balance. DMs might impose limitations on the number of hides that can be worn at once to prevent overpowering the game. Typically, a character should be limited to wearing one hide at a time to maintain balance and avoid confusion.

4. Do the hides require attunement?

Yes, each hide requires attunement. Attuning to a hide involves spending a short rest focusing on its magical properties and connecting with its essence. Characters can attune to up to three magical items at once, so choosing which hides to attune to should be done strategically based on the character’s needs and the campaign’s challenges.

5. Can the hides be modified or upgraded?

The hides are magical artifacts with fixed properties and cannot be modified or upgraded through conventional means. However, DMs may allow for unique enhancements or modifications as part of a specific quest or storyline, offering additional opportunities for character customization.

6. What are the best ways to use each hide in a campaign?

The effectiveness of each hide depends on the context of the campaign and the character’s role. For example:

  • Hide of the Clever Strategist is ideal for solving intricate puzzles or investigating mysteries.
  • Hide of the Swift Traveler benefits characters needing enhanced mobility and speed.
  • Hide of the Commanding Presence excels in social situations requiring persuasion or command.

Each hide’s utility can be tailored to fit the campaign’s narrative and the characters’ goals.

7. Can the hides be sold or traded?

While the hides can be sold or traded, their high magical value and historical significance might influence their market price. Characters might encounter collectors or factions interested in acquiring these artifacts. Selling or trading the hides could also have narrative consequences, such as attracting the attention of rivals or powerful entities.

8. How do the hides impact game balance?

The hides are designed to be powerful yet balanced. Each hide offers specific benefits that should enhance gameplay without overshadowing other elements. It’s crucial for the DM to monitor the impact of these items on the campaign and ensure that their inclusion does not disrupt the overall balance or make encounters too easy.

9. How can the hides be integrated into the campaign’s narrative?

The hides can be woven into the campaign’s narrative in several ways:

  • Historical Relics: The hides can be ancient artifacts tied to the lore of Blorbo the Shrewd, providing background and depth to the hobgoblin culture.
  • Quest Items: They can be central to quests involving the retrieval or protection of the hides, adding stakes and motivation.
  • Symbolic Objects: The hides might symbolize power or leadership, influencing interactions with hobgoblin factions or other characters.

Incorporating the hides into the narrative can enhance the story and provide meaningful context for their presence.

10. Can the hides be combined with other magical items?

The hides can generally be combined with other magical items. However, the interaction of their effects should be carefully considered

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